Chiropractic is a Natural Method of Healing
It treats the causes of physical problems as well as the symptoms.
We all work most efficiently and effectively at a point of mechanical balance. The symptoms that many patients suffer from (pain, swelling, weakness, tingling, burning etc.) can result from the loss of this balance.
The role of the chiropractor is to help correct the structure of the body allowing restored function by assisting and enhancing your body’s own healing processes.
Your chiropractor has five years of post graduate professional training leading to a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree as well as being licensed by the state of New Hampshire. Your chiropractor also completes continuing education yearly in various chiropractic specialties including sports injuries, headaches, pediatrics, nutrition, extremities and low back pain.
Chiropractic Treatment
Chiropractic Treatment consists of adjustments or manipulations by the chiropractor using gentle pressure to restore normal motion and alignment of the joints. Since joints are moved by muscles, I treat both to get quicker results that last longer. Other elements of treatment include:
• Heat to further relax muscles
• Cold therapy to reduce swelling
• Electro stim. and/or ultrasound
• Exercise
• Trigger point therapy to relax muscle spasms and ease adjustments
What Can Chiropractic Help?
Although well known for the treatment of back and neck pain, chiropractors also treat shoulder pain, foot, knee and ankle troubles; carpal tunnel syndrome, postural issues, sports injuries and numbness or tingling in the hands or legs.
These and other problems can be primarily mechanical in nature and, therefore, respond well to chiropractic care. Recent studies have also proven chiropractic effective for many types of headaches.